The Seal of Solomon…the spiritual key to the demonic (April 7th,2020)

The Seal of Solomon. The keyhole to loosing and binding demons in the vessel of brass. Now think about the brass sphere under the Western Wall with Hebrew written on it that the Edomite Jews are calling their Ark. The synagogue of Satan, quite literally.

What does 6G quantum computing have to do with any of this? Everything. The number, the name and the mark.

After reading about The Seal of Solomon in Alesteir Crowley’s The Lesser Key of Solomon, I was a little curious on when the full moon is in Virgo on either a Tuesday or Saturday. This is when this spell casting for these demons for chaos magick is to be done. I don’t doubt that these chaos magicians don’t still practice all of this witchcraft to a T. I haven’t yet looked at when this ritual has happened in the past but I do know it happened on March 20th of this year, but this time it wasn’t on a Saturday. It was a Friday. So that would disqualify it automatically. Remember, it has to be on a Tuesday or Saturday and this is to loose/bind the 72 demons in a Brass Vessel that Solomon allegedly had control over. Whether that is true or not we don’t know, but evidently some actually believe it to be true.

“It is to be made on the day of Mars or Saturn (Tuesday or Saturday) at night at 12 o’clock, and written upon virgin parchment with the blood of a black cock that never trode hen. Note that on this night the moon must be increasing in light (i.e., going from new to full) and in the Zodiacal Sign of Virgo.” ( “The seal is considered to be, by tradition, the symbol by means of which the 72 Djinn were imprisoned in the Brazen Vessel by the Mogus-King and sunk beneath the ocean.”

So I started looking into the coming year and wondered if this was going to happen. Well….the full moon is in Virgo on a Tuesday actually once in 2020 on April 7th, BUT on December 29th we see a full moon on a Tuesday but it’s in Gemini. I can tell you right off the bat that the December 29th date is a serious date. 8 days before that on the winter solstice, we see the great conjunction or habbiq ha gadol of Saturn and Jupiter that happens in Capricornus or the sea goat.

Remember, according to tradition these 72 demons are in the bottom of the ocean in this brass vessel. Then we have this Saturn-Jupiter great conjunction 8 days before in the beast of the sea, Capricornus. I have went over this in my book Their god is Jupiter and I have my own theory for all of this. Not a prediction but a theory. But it isn’t in Virgo then.

The day for this ritual is April 7th, 2020 when the full moon is in Virgo. I still need to look at April 7th and see what’s going on there but I do know this. This is the day before Passover begins and this would be a perfect time for all of this to take place for these Luciferians. Also keep on your that they may actually burn this heifer around this time or consecrate the building of their blasphemous temple. Jews believe Passover is the time this will happen. One other thing, why a Tuesday or Saturday? Other than it being their Mars and Saturns day, Saturday is the 7th day and a day of rest. Tuesday is the 3rd day and GOD blessed this day twice during Creation. 2 days that have significant meaning in Scripture. So twice this ritual can be accomplished in 2020 and they both fall on significant days. Mars day. I expect we may see some very important Mars nonsense in the news around these 2 days.

“Solomon(Siamun) created a vessel in which he trapped many demons. His vessel was made of brass and bore many strange symbols. Once he had trapped the demons he placed a seal on the vessel which carried another strange symbol. This symbol would prevent the demons from escaping.”

The Nine Branch Menorah
“The center candle is Shamash the Babylonian Sun Lion; Marduk is the Calf of the Sun whose triumphant return is celebrated at the Akitu Festival on April Fool’s Day; Jesus of course is the April Fool according to Chabad-Lubavitch. JEHOVAH (JESUS), the center candle of the 7 Branch Candlestick Moses constructed was Jesus, replaced by Shamash, the Babylonian Sun Lion & “Rising Sun” whose worship caused the departure of the Glory of the LORD from Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8).” (Secret SoSHHHiety Twitter)

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