The Inverted Entrance to the Arch

Some people insist that the replica of the Arch of Triumph from Palmyra is actually the Arch of Bel/Baal. And the majority of people actually call it the Arch of Bel. As I have shown in other articles, it’s not. These are three different sites with 3 different arches and the Arch of Triumph and the colonade don’t even actually lead to the squared arch of bel and its temple. It does actually take you to the Temple of Baalshamin, Temple of Nebo and other sites. The Temple of Bel is outside of this entrance. Let’s get the geography clear before you choose to call it something it’s not.

While there is a deceptoion going on here by people calling the Arch of Triumph the cArch of Bel, there is a greater deception here on the IDA’S part. Very rarely do you see an image of the entrance side of the 3D printed Triumphal Arch of Palmyra. It is always of the exit side. Why is that? Because the ruler of this world inverts everything. Satan is the chief of decievers. That is the easy answer. Here is the complicated answer: the exit to the colonade from the Arch actually leads you directly to the Temple and Arch of Bel. This is why they take pictures of the Arch replica facing the exit and not the entrance side. You think you are looking at the entrance side but you are not. This is where the deception lies.

This is why the installations of this Arch faces certain landmarks. They want you looking out towards the Arch, not looking in. These sites that they set up at represent the same spiritual aspect of the Temple of Bel in Palmyra. If you don’t believe me them go through my book or blog to see the 7 sites and where this Arch has faced towards. Why would anyone set up an installation and not have your pictures of it facing the front of it? And if you remember, the first rendition by the IDA was actually the square Arch of Bel. The exit of the Arch of Triumph leads people to the Arch of Bel. This is the inverted deception. This is their symbolic “as within, so without”.

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