Has Virgo and Jupiter become Isis and Horus in these last days?

We know that the sign in Revelation 12:1 wad fulfilled at the birth of Jesus in 3 AD. This is a fact. People can refuse to believe but that is usually based on there bad interpretation of the Book of Revelation itself. Not to mention bad exegesis through out the rest of Scripture. The sign was known since the time of John writing it to be in a past time at the birth of Jesus. And this is more than obvious with the wording John used when writing all of this down in Greek.

So with all that said, should we still look at the say Jupiter the King planet as Jesus? I think we probably could in a Biblical aspect but when looking at what NASA and others do, we shouldn’t. So if the sign on September 23rd is false and doesn’t bear witness with scripture, is Jupiter representing Jesus. No. Is it representing the Church like the cultists want everyone to believe? Emphatically no! This is all based off of private interpretation and its wrong. 

Then if everything in September is based off of false interpretations, then who is Virgo representing and who is Jupiter representing? We should take a look at a few examples of what these ancient pagan civilizations thought. This comes from the book “Social Science Commentary on the Book of Revelation” by Bruce Molina. You might find some of this interesting and I propose to you that this is who is representing this false sign in September. I’ll save you the trouble of reading all of it through (which I suggest you do), but this modern Virgo and Jupiter represents Isis and Horus and you can even go to far as to say its Juno and Jupiter.”

Lucious, the protagonist, prays to Isis, his celestial patron: O Queen of Heaven-whether you are bountiful Ceres, the primal mother of crops, who in joy at the recovery of your daughter took away from men their primeval animal fodder of acorns and showed them gentler nourishment, and now dwell in the land of Elcusis; or heavenly Venus 1= Phoenician goddess Astarte], who at the first foundation of the universe united the diversity of the sexes by creating Love and propagated the human race through ever-recurring progeny, and now are worshipped in the island sanctuary of Paphos; or Phoebus’ sister, who brought forth populous multitudes by relieving the delivery of offspring with your soothing remedies, and now are venerated at the illustrious shrine of Ephesus 1= Diana/Artemis, also Lucina/Eileithyial; or dreaded Proserpina [= Hecate] of the nocturnal howls, who in triple form repress the attacks of ghosts and keep the gates to earth closed fast, roam through widely scattered groves and are propitiated by diverse rites-you who illumine every city with your womanly light, nourish the joyous seeds with your moist fires, and dispense beams of fluctuating radiance according to the convolutions of the Sun-by whatever name, with whatever rite, in whatever image it is meet to invoke you: defend me now in the uttermost extremes of tribulation (Metamorphoses X1, 2; LCL).”

Lucius then describes the object of his vision: First of all her hair, thick, long, and lightly curled, flowed softly down, loosely spread over her divine neck and shoulders. The top of her head was encircled by an intricate crown into which were woven all kinds of flowers. At its midpoint, above her forehead, a flat round disc like a mirror-or rather a symbol for the Moon-glistened with white light. To right and left the crown was bounded by coils of rearing snakes, and adorned above with outstretched ears of wheat. Her robe, woven of sheer linen, was of many colors, here shining with white brilliance, there yellow with saffron bloom, there flaming with rosy redness; and what most especially confounded my sight was a deep black cloak gleaming with dark sheen, which was wrapped about her, running under her right arm up to her left shoulder, with part of its border let down in the form of a knot; it hung in complicated pleats, beautifully undulating with knotted tassels at its lower edge. Along the embroidered border and over the surface of the cloak glittering stars were scattered, and at their center the full Moon exhaled fiery flames. Wherever streamed the hem of that wondrous robe, a garland of flowers and fruits of every kind was attached to it with an inseparable bond … (ibid. XI, 3-4; LCL).”

Now celestial Isis speaks to Lucius, revealing all of her alternate appellations: Behold, Lucius, moved by your prayers I have come, I the mother of the universe, mistress of all the elements, and first offspring of the ages; mightiest of deities, queen of the dead, and foremost of heavenly beings; my one person manifests the aspects of all gods and goddesses. With my nod I rule the starry heights of the sky, the health giving breezes of the sea, and the plaintive silences of the underworld. My divinity is one, worshipped by all the world under different forms, with various rites and by manifold names. In one place the Phrygians, first-born of men, call me Pessinuntine Mother of the Gods [= Cybele], in another the autochtonous people of Attica call me Cecropian Minerva 1= Athene], in another the sea-washed Cyprians call me Paphian Venus; to the arrow-bearing Cretans I am Dictynna Diana, to the trilingual Sicilians Ortygian Proserpina, to the ancient people of Eleusis Attic Ceres; some call me Juno, some Bellona, others Hecate, and still others Rhamnusia; the people of the two Ethiopias, who are lighted by the first rays of the Sun-God as he rises every day, and the Egyptians, who are strong in ancient lore, worship me with the rites that are truly mine and call me by my real name, which is Queen Isis (ibid. XI, 5; LCL).”

“In biblical interpretation, the identification of this pregnant sky Woman with celestial Virgo dates back at least to Charles Dupuis in 1794 (see Lehmann-Nitsche 1934:202). The constellation Virgo was identified with many deities: Dike, Demeter, Magna Mater, Eileithyia, Tyche, Pax, Atargatis or Dea Syria, luno [Venus] caelestis of the Carthaginians (see Le Boeuffle 1977:212-15). But most of our witnesses identify Virgo with Isis. She is found along with her child Horos in the Hellenistic Egyptian sky maps as nursing her child. (Side note: The Egyptian name for this decan of Virgois Shes-nu, means “Desired Son,” and the star picture of Coma is of a woman with a child in her lap.” (http://www.try-god.com/biblical-archaeo-astronomy-of-the-ancient-egyptian-star-names-of-the-dendera-zodiac.php)) 

Teukros the Babylonian (first century c.E.) tells us that in the constellation of Virgo there emerges “a certain goddess, seated on a throne and nursing a child, of whom some say she is the goddess Isis feeding Horos” (Boll 1967 [19141:110). We find the same portrayal in Egyptian temple pictures of the early Roman Empire, including the constellation on the ceiling of Dendera and other paintings, gems and coins. Apuleius calls her “mother of the stars, parent of the seasons, mistress of the whole world” (Metamorphoses XI, 7; LCL).”

Finally, in a passage from Apuleius where Psyche turns in prayer to Juno, she states: “0 sister and consort of great Jupiter, whether you dwell in the ancient sanctuary of Samos, which alone glories in your birth and infant wails and nursing, ing, or whether you frequent the blessed site of lofty Carthage, which worships you as a virgin who travels through the sky on the back of Leo, or whether you protect the renowned walls of the Argives beside the banks of Inachus, who proclaims claims you now the Thunderer’s bride and queen of goddesses-you whom all the East adores as Yoker (Zygia) and all the West calls Bringer into Light (Lucina)-be you Juno Savioress to me in my uttermost misfortune” (Metamorphoses VI, 4; LCL). The point is that in the mind of first-century Mediterraneans, the female statuses tuses of virgin, mother, and queen could thus readily reside in the same celestial person. Finally, in Hermetic tradition, Isis is described as “Virgin of the Cosmos;’ the one who gives birth to the sun and the like. Furthermore, the connection nection of that constellational configuration with the myth of Isis and Horus was made in the Hellenistic period in rather great detail. Thus it belonged to the world of our seer and was discovered long before he had his altered state of consciousness ness experiences.”

So there you have it. These ancient pagans believed in fact that the constellation Virgo was represented as their divine goddess. It all centered around the worship of Isis but went under different guises. She was Juno to Greeks, Isis to Egyptians, Virgin Mary to Christians and so on. These were all distortions of what this sign really was. The sign represented Israel as the woman giving birth to the Messiah Jesus. And like I mentioned at the beginning, if this sign has been fulfilled with the birth of Jesus (like it was), then the incoming sign in September is false. That’s the bottom line. 

So it seems that this false sign is representing Isis/Horus or Juno/Juvo (Jupiter). And we have been seeing this goddess worship more and more in the last few years with it getting out of hand just of recently. We are also seeing this symbolism with the Arch of Triumph. So there isn’t a double fulfillment of Revelation 12:1 because it happened one time…at 3 AD. 

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