I See Demons

It seems they are going to try to normalize seeing some sort of demonic "shape shifters" now. Very very creepy. This is just in time for April 8th with the eclipse over little Egypt and its demon star, the devil's comet, APEP eating the Sun and CERN tearing the veil once again. And just in... Continue Reading →

2024: the year of many things

2024:The Hebrew year for 2024 is 5784. It started around the fall of 2023. I suspect this calendar was manipulated during the Babylonian siege and imprisonment. The Talmud is associated with all of this. If you add a thousand years you come to 6784.The Assyrian year is 6774. It is 990 days longer. Almost 1,000... Continue Reading →

Hell Has Frozen Over

So here's another thought I just had on this Tartaria theory. It seems that one of the places that there are no Gothic style cathedrals is the area of Tartaria. This would be what we call the frozen over tundra of Siberia. Why no magnificent style cathedrals with the "antenna" style pillars of "free energy"... Continue Reading →

The Flood of Daniels 70th Week

Disclaimer: this is not "thus saith the Lord". This is my own private thought. That's all. I shouldn't have to say this but I still do.If you don't care or entertain the thought of a physical "thousand year" reign of Christ, then this isn't for you. Move on. If you see the reign of Jesus... Continue Reading →

APEP and Magog: the ties that bind

I want you to remember that 35 minutes prior to this eclipse on April 8th, NASA is firing off three rockets called APEP. This is from my blog and they fired these same three rockets off for the October 2023 eclipse. "Well did you realize that NASA was launching three rockets into the atmosphere 35... Continue Reading →

Some more thoughts on the Eclipse

I haven't had the time to add some things I've written on social media so I'm going back to February and they will be in order. If I've added it to a blog already, I apologize and just ignore it. February 13, 2024 Very strange connections here if it is true that America is related... Continue Reading →

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